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How do you get bed bugs in your bed is a questions that is asked many of thousands of times a day on internet search engines? Many people are traumatized upon finding out that their home or apartment has become infested with bed bugs and it is understandable. It is a terrible feeling to know that you are being attacked and indeed fed upon, by these insects, while you sleep. Bed bugs are a nationwide problem and even at a near epidemic level in some major cities. Bed bugs initially enter a new environment by hitchhiking into it, as they cling unseen, to our clothing, or our luggage, or anything else that we might be carrying into our home. This need to hitchhike and enter as many new environments as possible has become one of this species genetic survival modes and it has proved to be a very effective way to ensure their “survival as a species”. We can pick these insects up when we stay in an infested hotel room and in many other venues. Bed bugs can be found in movie theaters, car and trucks, people’s living rooms, or just about any place that has had a bed bug introduced into that environment and offers a nice cozy place for them to hide. Certainly visitors to our homes can introduce them, or even our children who bring them from their friend’s homes or even school. Bed bugs cannot live outdoors and only seek to get inside as soon as possible.
Once a bed bug has arrived into a new home they look to immediately find a good hiding place. Cracks, crevices, mattresses and box springs, protected areas in and around headboards, behind wall switch plates or fixtures, behind pictures and mirrors, in clothing or debris on closet floors, in the folds of drapes and blinds, and just about anywhere else that provides a very cozy place to hide. Bed bugs really like to hide in the general clutter available in many rooms. The bedroom is one room most impacted, because that is where we bring our suitcases to unpack from a trip, or to remove our clothing after arriving home. The bedroom is also where we sleep and where we are most vulnerable to their feeding. How do bed bugs come into your bed? Bed bugs follow the trail of carbon dioxide gas we exhale after each breath and they know at the end of that exhaled gas trail is their meal. The females immediately start to lay eggs and those eggs are always laid in the most hidden of locales. These eggs begin to hatch in 10-14 days and ensure a whole new generation of bed bugs. Most bed bugs in an infestation remain hidden and only a minor percentage of them are visible, at any given time. In order to completely eliminate the infestation they all must be eliminated and that is what makes a bed bug infestation so difficult to get under control.
Now that the question has been answered, as to how do bed bugs come into your bed, the next question most asked is how do you kill them? The best answer I can give is quickly and just as important safely. There is no longer any need to spray dangerous poisons in your home. Indeed there is a whole body of research out there that indicates that many of these dangerous poisons no longer are effective because the bed bugs have built up immunities to it*. An article appearing in the Wall Street Journal on January 11, 2011 and written by Robert Hortz discussed a recent study conducted by entomologists at Ohio State University and finding that” bed bugs are evolving to withstand the pesticides used to combat them”**. In an amazing story of genetic survival it was discovered that somehow bed bugs have evolved the specific ability to boost their natural defenses, by generating higher levels of certain enzymes that then cleanse them of poisons. Now I have often heard it be said that one day if an apocalyptic event would occur, destroying all life on earth, there would still be cockroaches left alive crawling out of the ashes. Well it seems a slight revision is in order to this theory, as it would appear that bed bugs would also survive and my guess is they would begin evolving the ability to feed on cockroaches. Furthermore other studies have determined that bed bugs have evolved three improved biochemical defenses against common pesticides, nerve cells better able to withstand the chemical effects, higher levels of detoxification enzymes, and a thicker shell that better blocks insecticides. The bottom line and terrible irony to all of this is bed bugs have been using the very chemicals employed to kill them, to actually make themselves stronger. Laboratory tests in the U.S, Europe and Africa have found that bed bugs are surviving pesticide levels a thousand times greater than the lethal dose of a decade ago. Manufacturers and hence the consumer end users of those products can no longer be certain that the product will even work to kill the bed bugs and manufacturers are forced to come up with new versions of their poisons, to replace the ones that no longer are effective against the bed bugs. I can think of few worse things a person can do than to have to spray a pyrethroid based poison in their home, to combat a bed bug infestation and then discovering it did not work and that possibly the only ones being poisoned are you, your family, your pets and let’s throw in the environment too.
What is the best bed bug spray available to safely and effectively treat a bed bug infestation ? The answer lies in 21st century bio-engineering, which has given scientists the ability to create bed bug sprays with devastating killing power, that are safe and effective. Bio-engineering causes a molecule in the bed bug spray to react with a molecule in the body chemistry of the bed bug and that chemical reaction begins the process of almost immediate dehydration of the bed bug resulting in its exo-skeleton cracking and bringing about insect mortality within minutes. There are not many companies that have mastered this process, but they do exist and currently create the best bed bug spray treatments on the market. So if bed bugs have come into your bed, there is no longer any need to spray dangerous poisons in your home.
Buy Safe and Effective Bed Bug Spray Now!
*“Are Bed Bugs Becoming Pesticide Resistant?”, Deborah Huso, aol original, 1/20, 2011
** Why Bed Bugs Won’t Die, Robert Lee Hotz, Wall Street Journal, January 20, 2011